Endurance Fit fit to endure
About Endurance Fit is all about endurance sport; whether it be running, cycling, triathlon, adventure racing, or others. I believe that endurance fitness is the ultimate form of fitness as it combines both physical and mental fitness and is achievable by the majority of people. I want to encourage people that they too can be fit to endure. Your main opponent is yourself and your own self belief. While some athletes are able to compete in these events and produce incredible times, for most people the goal is simply to finish, to push their body further than they thought was possible. There is something powerful about shattering your own mental barriers and doing something that most of your friends and family think is impossibly hard. Most people have never run 10 kilometres in their life, let alone 21.2, 42.4, or 100+km. Whether it is a one off, bucket list achievement or you catch the bug and keep pushing further and faster; you will have surpassed and impressed all those around you, including yourself.
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