Endurance Fit fit to endure
New TT Bike
Web Site (Finally)
Taupo 70.3 The big goal for 2016 has been to compete in the Kellogg’s 
Nutri‐Grain IRONMAN 70.3 Taupō. This year's training has been the most consistent and seen the highest mileage so far. Work commitments have meant my training has come to a stand still a couple of weeks before the race. But I hoping that my constancy up to that point will carry me through.
My First Triathlon Bike As part of my IRONMAN 70.3 Taupo preparation I wanted to get a tri specific bike. As a real amateur I didn't want to spend to much, (partly because I don't have much to spend, and partly so I don't look like a tri hard) so I hunted around for six months looking in bike shops as well as online. Eventually a Cervelo P2 caught my eye, it was on an auction site for a real bargain price and had only be used for one 70.3 distance event. After a bit of research, reading reviews as such, I decided that it would make an ideal first bike for me.
Long term project finally off the ground I've been meaning to get a website off the ground for over a year now. It's not as easy at it may appear; you have to decide on a layout, colour scheme, and come up with content. The content is the hardest part, at least for me, trying to decide what people may find interesting while ensuring my personality shines through.
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